Did you know that you can have a lifetime of achievement and fruitful purpose, aided by tools of thought, action and choice that are easy and fun to use?
It’s true.
Also, there is a place… a physical and mental space… where you can do your work, whatever work you choose, efficiently and effectively in your own way and to your own ends. A place where you can – get this – bask in the glow of your own productivity.
Can you feel that glow? Would you like to feel it more?
You can, you know. All you need is to have a practice.
Having a practice simply means devoting time and energy to doing better something that you want to do well.
You can have a practice in any part of your life. Job or career, writing or art, professional pursuits, personal goals, spiritual quests, relationships… anything you can think of, anything that makes you say That! That’s what I want to do better, and more! That thing right there!
That’s where your practice – or one of your practices – may lie.
Think of something like that now. Present it to yourself and say, “There! I want to put my energy there.”
And just like that you are in practice. Just with the simple desire to try, you have begun the important journey of learning to do better the things that you want to do well.